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Groups better off under Liberal or Labor Government

5 Apr 2016

Q. Do you think the following groups of people would be better off under a Liberal Government or a Labor Government?

  Better off under a Liberal Govern-ment Better off under a Labor Govern-ment Makes no differ-ence Don’t know   Difference

(Liberal minus Labor)


Sept 2015

Large corporations 50% 11% 22% 17%   +39 +45
People and families on high incomes 49% 12% 23% 16%   +37 +45
Banks and other financial institutions 47% 11% 24% 18%   +36 +36
Families with children at private school 40% 16% 26% 18%   +24 +36
Small businesses 29% 24% 27% 19%   +5 +12
Farmers and other agricultural producers 22% 23% 32% 23%   -1 +5
People and families on middle incomes 24% 30% 30% 16%   -6 -6
Pensioners 16% 36% 30% 17%   -20 -23
Recent immigrants to Australia 12% 33% 32% 23%   -21 -16
People with disabilities 15% 36% 32% 17%   -21 -24
Average working people 17% 38% 28% 17%   -21 -20
Unemployed people 12% 38% 31% 18%   -26 -32
Single parents 12% 39% 30% 19%   -27 -31
Families with children at public school 14% 41% 28% 17%   -27 -23
People and families on low incomes 13% 42% 28% 16%   -29 -33

Respondents were substantially more likely to think the following groups would be better off under a Labor Government – low income families, families with children at public school, single parents, the unemployed, average working people, people with disabilities, recent migrants to Australia and pensioners.

They were substantially more likely to think the following groups would be better off under a Liberal Government – large corporations, high income families, banks and financial institutions and families with children at private schools.

Since this question was asked in September 2015 the Liberal Party is a little less likely to be perceived as better for families with children at private schools (down 12 points), those on high incomes (down 8), small businesses (down 7) and large corporations (down 6).

The Labor Party is perceived to be a little better for recent immigrants (up 5) and families with children at public schools (up 4).
