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Racial Discrimination Act

4 Apr 2017

Q. The Racial Discrimination Act makes it an offence to “intimidate, humiliate, offend or insult” someone because of their race or ethnicity. It has been proposed to replace the words “humiliate, offend or insult” with “harass”. This means it will be unlawful to “harass or intimidate” someone because of their race or ethnicity but not unlawful to “humiliate, offend or insult”. Which of the following statements is closest to your view?

  Total   Vote Labor Vote Lib/Nat Vote Greens Vote other
I strongly support this change to the Racial Discrimination Act 28%   27% 35% 24% 32%
I strongly oppose this change to the Racial Discrimination Act 27%   31% 20% 55% 25%
I don’t have strong opinion on whether the Racial Discrimination Act should be changed or not 28%   27% 31% 13% 30%
Not sure 17%   15% 13% 8% 13%


55% say they have a strong opinion on changes to the Racial Discrimination Act. 28% strongly support the changes and 27% strongly oppose the changes. 28% don’t have strong opinion either way and 17% are not sure.

Those most likely to strongly support changes are Liberal/National voters (35%) and aged 65+ (37%).

Those most likely to strongly oppose changes are Greens voters (55%) and university educated (34%)
