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Corruption in industries and organisations

18 Aug 2015

Q. For each of the following Australian industries and organisations, please indicate how affected by corruption you think they are:

  Widespread corruption Some corruption Very little corruption Don’t know
Government 39% 39% 10% 12%
Building and construction 34% 38% 11% 17%
Media 27% 44% 12% 16%
Finance sector (banks and insurance) 27% 42% 14% 17%
Mining 25% 43% 15% 18%
Law enforcement (police) 17% 49% 19% 15%
Health 10% 32% 38% 20%
Agriculture 7% 28% 41% 24%
Education 6% 29% 43% 21%
Science and technology 6% 22% 47% 24%

The most corrupt industries and organisations were thought to be Government (39% widespread corruption), building and construction (34%), media (27%), finance (27%) and mining (25%).

The least corrupt were thought to be science and technology (47% very little corruption), education (43%) and agriculture (41%).
